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Camden Youth Safety Week

Youth Safety Week Launch – Wednesday 5 February

We are delighted and incredibly proud that Emmanuella, Year 11, was selected to read one of her own poems at the Youth Safety Week Launch held at Council Chamber, Crowndale Centre this week (Emmanuella’s poem below).  Emmanuella is one of several students in the borough to be chosen as part of the Camden Youth Safety Week multi-media competition – an overall winner was announced at the launch event on Wednesday.

Many thanks to Phil McCorkell and Philip Wolmuth, who filmed Emmanuella reading the poem for the event.

Camden Youth Safety week will kick off on Monday 10 February.  For news and information please follow these links:


Here Lies
Here lies a child, collapsed onto a pavement
The rain washes over him, diluting the red silk that trickles in a steady stream from his body
We watch the bloodline of our generation crumble
How we mourn those victims.
The weapon is evil beyond belief; the cruelty it harbours within its blade
Don’t play with fire, they say, don’t play with fire or you might get burnt.
How could you not listen?
Doesn’t it tear you apart? Are you not ripped to pieces by that crippling guilt?
The innocent cries of those who lost their lives
Echoing through your mind
When you plunged that rusted razor into a brother, a father, a son, an uncle—
You didn’t think twice.
In a flurry of blinding rage that veiled your eyes and your sense of judgement.
The feeling so demonic, scraping its claws down your spine.
But now here you lie, in a puddle of your own sins.


Link to reading:

Camden is running a Youth Safety Week starting on Monday 10 February. As we are all aware, several young people have, very sadly, been injured or have lost their lives in Camden recently as a result of knife crime. This has been devastating for their friends and families. We know that youth safety is a very high priority for the whole community, but especially for young people themselves and their parents and teachers.