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Excellent results for Camden School for Girls!

Year Eleven students at Camden School for Girls have achieved an outstanding set of examination results.

  • 16% Grade 9 (National 7.4%)
  • 90% 9-4 in both English and mathematics
  • 81% 9-5 in both English and mathematics

Grade ranges across all GCSE subjects

54% of all results across all subjects were graded at the  highest level - 9-7 (National - 28.5%)

94% of all results across all subjects were 9-4 (standard pass - national 76.9%) opening up a wide range of opportunities post-16

87% of all results across all subjects were 9-5 (strong pass - national 60.1%)


Individual success

A total of 45 students achieved 9-7 in eight or more GCSE subjects. 26 students achieved 9-8 in eight or more GCSE subjects. 3 students achieved eight or more GCSE subjects at grade 9.

An exceptional set of GCSE results for Year Eleven!

Students at Camden School for Girls have been awarded outstanding grades in their GCSEs. Along with all young people, they have faced a particularly difficult time since March 2020 with long periods of disruption to their education.

We are full of admiration for our students’ resilience, determination and tenacity as they coped with a complete change to the way in which they were assessed for their GCSEs. They adapted brilliantly to remote learning and then adapted again to the requirement to complete testing and assessments in lessons in their final few weeks of Year Eleven.

In school, teachers know that our students responded very well to advice and guidance. As teachers we have never lost sight of the difficulties they faced and we applaud these young people who have, today, gained recognition for their hard work and application.

This has been a very challenging year, for students, teachers, parents and schools as well as the wider community, and we are exceptionally proud of what our students have achieved in the face of such difficulty.


Another outstanding set of A level results at Camden School for Girls in 2021!

23% of all grades are A*

55% of all grades are A* - A

83% of all grades at A* - B

94% of all grades at A*- C


I am delighted to announce that Year 13 students at Camden School for Girls have achieved an excellent set of A level examination results.  Once again, students in the Camden School for Girls sixth form have out-performed students nationally by a very significant margin.

Percentage A*            23% (National 19%)

Percentage A* - A       55% (National  44%)

Percentage A* - B       83% (National  70%) 

Percentage A* - C       94%  (National  89%)


In addition, we are delighted with the following statistics:

Students with 3/3+ A*             19 (18 in 2020)

Students with 3/3+ A* - A       70 (80 in 2020)

Students with 3/3+ A* - B       140 (157  in 2020)

We are absolutely thrilled that 17 students have gained places at Cambridge or Oxford and 7 students have places at medical school. One student will be pursuing veterinary medicine and one, dentistry.

It’s important to remember that all Y13 students this year missed many weeks of their time in school through no fault of their own, and faced a period in which they were undoubtedly worried about what their A level grades would be.

These grades are robust, and were reached by teachers after a very rigorous process of checking and moderation by students’ class teachers as well as by curriculum colleagues and senior staff.

This has been a very challenging year, for students, teachers and schools as well as the wider community, and we are exceptionally proud of what our students have achieved in the face of such difficulty. We therefore feel that their success deserves particularly strong recognition and celebration.

Our students have received outstanding support from their teachers and parents during their periods of remote learning and we are grateful to everyone who contributed to their superb outcomes.

I wish all our students every success and happiness in the future.

Congratulations to all!

Elizabeth Kitcatt

August 2021