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Economics is about making choices on how best to use and allocate finite resources to satisfy the society’s potentially infinite demands. It explores the interactions between the key participants in an economy, namely: government, consumers and producers.

This course will equip students with the ability to analyse and evaluate national and international economic events, and provide them with the ability to:

  • Develop a good understanding of the nature of markets and the behaviour of consumers and producers in each market
  • Appreciate governments’ macroeconomic objectives and the policy tools available to them to influence how these objectives are achieved.

Students will study micro and macro economics exploring the interaction of consumers and producers in each market, government’s role in regulating markets and managing the macroeconomic direction of the economy.

Course outline:

Year One

Theme 1

  • How Markets Work
  • Why markets fail

For example what drives the price of gold (or any other commodity)? What factors led to the global financial melt-down in 2008?

Theme 2

  • The UK Economy
  • Performance and Policies

How does the UK government manage the economy? How is economic success measured?

Year Two

Theme 3

  • Business Behaviour and the Labour Market
  • Market structure
  • Labour markets
  • Government intervention

How do we determine the environment within which businesses operate (the structure of the market), why is growth important for businesses and how do they grow? The case for government regulation and intervention in certain market structures.

Theme 4

  • A Global Perspective
  • International economics
  • Poverty & inequality
  • Emerging & developing economies
  • The Financial sector
  • Role of the state

Entry requirements: As stated in the Admission Policy

Minimum of five grade 6 or above at GCSE including mathematics and English language. Economics is a highly popular subject at universities. A range of economics based degree courses are offered by universities, each with a specific focus ranging from development to international relations, government policy or econometrics.  Studying A Level economics will equip you not only for the range of economics based subjects at university but also for many other subjects that use the skills while studying the subject. Students wishing to continue studying economics at university should consider whether their chosen subject at university also requires them to take A Level Maths.

Exam board: Edexcel