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Offer Distances

Please check the map below to see the distance from the school for students accepted under the distance criterion for the four bands defined in the Admissions Policy.

  • Band A (coloured orange) - in 2023 this was 0.9 miles
  • Band B (coloured blue) - in 2023 this was 1.06 miles
  • Band C (coloured green) - in 2023 this was 0.71 miles
  • Band D (coloured purple) - in 2023 this was 0.36 miles

Tablet and phone users will be able to zoom in using their fingers. If using a desktop or a laptop, you are advised to use Firefox, Chrome or Safari to ensure that the zoom control on the map is displayed. Otherwise, double click to zoom in, right double click to zoom out.

Please also note that this historical data is provided for information only. Residence within these historic maximum offer distances is no guarantee of an offer of a place in this or future years.

You may also wish to visit here  to find how far you live from the school. 

  • A 2014
  • B 2014
  • C 2014
  • D 2014
  • A 2015
  • B 2015
  • C 2015
  • D 2015
  • A 2016
  • B 2016
  • C 2016
  • D 2016
  • A 2017
  • B 2017
  • C 207
  • D 2017
  • A 2018
  • B 2018
  • C 2018
  • D 2018
  • A2019
  • B2019
  • C2019
  • D2019
  • A2020
  • B2020
  • C2020
  • D2020
  • A2021
  • B2021
  • C2021
  • D2021
  • 2022A
  • 2022B
  • 2022C
  • 2022D
  • 2023A
  • 2023B
  • 2023C
  • 2023D