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PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) is an integral part of the school curriculum and ethos at Camden School for Girls. We expect students’ active engagement in developing the necessary skills and knowledge to prepare them for life as individuals and as socially responsible, informed global citizens in a safe and tolerant learning environment.

Within the curriculum, students hone skills of enquiry, communication and empathy. The topics are covered in weekly lessons led by form tutors and with regular expert external speakers and workshops, where students are encouraged to enhance and/or challenge their understanding of topics. The curriculum can broadly be split into three areas:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Further details of the topics covered in each year group can be found in the documents below.

The importance of PSHE in the curriculum and the exceptional coverage of important issues is a recognised strength of the school. Details of how the curriculum offered meets the Gatsby (career), Citizenship and Relationships, Sex and Health education is provided in the document below.


Restart a Heart Day Gallery - Year 7 students learnt CPR in their PSHE lessons. 



Many of the themes of PSHE are reflected on a wider level in the whole Camden School for Girls community, which is built on respect and understanding. Robust policies - for example on anti-bullying, behaviour, equal opportunities and promotion of racial equality - all challenge viewpoints and actions that demonstrate intolerance and prejudice.

Students are expected to participate in decision making within the school, and we offer certificates and awards each year to reward and acknowledge examples of good citizenship. Students are encouraged to support and strengthen our community by involvement in any of the following:

  • Representing their form at the whole school council to discuss issues important to the students within the school
  • Mentoring Year 7 students
  • Completing work experience in Year 10
  • Electing the Head Girls and Deputies (both in the main school and the Sixth Form)
  • Individual student mentoring
  • Organising refreshments at Parents’ Evenings
  • Fundraising days and competitions e.g. Pink Day in October for Breast Cancer

Other events, such as school plays, concerts and sports events (e.g. the Fundraising Dance-A-Thon) offer students from all abilities and backgrounds the opportunities to join in our community and help them to understand the importance of their contribution. Within our philosophy of inclusion and opportunity, it is our expectation that all students will participate in school events.