Jack Petchey Awards
The Jack Petchey awards are designed to support community activities, acts of kindness and generosity and inclusive provision for all; the awards take place twice a year, in June & November. These attributes very much reflect the ethos of Camden School for Girls.
Our winners are:
Waye 8T
Coping with adversity, she started this year at CSG, settled in very well to the form group and to the school generally. Waye tries her best and is collaborative and kind to her peers, always on task and following instructions, she did a poster for Black History Month which impressed the History Department
Malaika 9C
Malaika is an engaged member of the school community, a dedicated representative for her Form group, always keen to help others and attends lots of clubs. She helped raise awareness for the Climate Crisis by being a member of the Save the Planet Club. Plays football outside of school and is a trained referee
Charlotte 10R
Charlotte is a member of the Head Girl Team, a kind and supportive role model. She has helped with the New Year 7s transition to secondary school, running lunch time clubs for the younger students. She also motivates students to take part in the schools fundraising events ie: Pink Day, Macmillan Coffee Morning.
The prize money awarded to these students will go towards a new laminator, mental health workshops for students and new lockers for students. We are very proud of their achievement.
They will be presented with their certificates during their year assemblies this week.
Sarah Clark
Administration Co-ordinator